Hydaburg, Alaska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in learning more about the Population & Steets of Hydaburg City, Arkansas? Here are some important statistics for you to consider. Hydaburg is home to about 372 people. The median household income is $36,042, which is lower than the US average of $53,482.

The population of Hydaburg is slightly higher than the state average, although only a small percentage of the city's residents have completed college. More information can be found by clicking on the link below. Population and Steets of Hydaburg, AK are available at the city hall, including the school district, schedules, and customer service. The following information is for reference purposes only.

The population of Hydaburg City was chosen for the location of its sockeye streams, which made the town a popular choice for salmon fishing. Its proximity to sockeye streams is an important factor for the town's economic growth. The city has a low per capita income, and teachers were primarily paid for their services. The proposed Hydaburg industrial park will have fish processing facilities, a village hall, and administration.