Karluk, Alaska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the Demographics of Karluk City? The city has a total population of 38. This number has declined by 31.0% since 2020, and it is in the 5th percentile of most safe cities in the country. Karluk also has a moderate crime rate compared to other cities. Its median home value is $139,100, and its appreciation rate over the last 10 years has been -1.6%.

In addition to the population of Karluk, there are 21 houses and dwellings in the city. This population data is provided by Google Maps. Karluk has a ZIP Code of 99608. The city has a total area of 4.20% water, and has a postal code and ZIP+4 code. This information is necessary when mailing or copying mail to people living in Karluk. To find out more about Karluk City, please continue reading below.

Housing is an essential component of recovery, and statistics prove the importance of stable housing. The Karluk Manor, a rehabilitation facility for the homeless, is intended to provide a secure place for people with illnesses to get well, and to reduce the costs to society. While this project is purely for financial reasons, it should still be implemented for the fundamental human benefits. If the city can build a Karluk Manor, the entire population of Karluk will benefit.

The manor is not a successful business. The proposed development at Karluk city is an attempt to boost the population of the city. Its location is between 5th and 6th avenues, making it a potential source of car accidents. This is unlikely to be a sustainable business in the city. This will cost the city a significant amount of money, and the people living in it will lose their jobs.