Mekoryuk, Alaska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in the Population & Steets in Me Koryuk City? If so, then you have come to the right place! Read on to learn the latest data. This article will provide you with a quick overview of the city's demographics. You'll learn about the number of families and the age distribution of the population. You can also see what the family size is in this town.

Currently, the population of Mekoryuk City is 205 people. The median home price is $174,200. The median home value in this city has decreased by 1.2% in the past 10 years. During this period, the area saw significant changes. During this time, the territorial guard was formed. Many men from the town were sent to Fort Richardson in Anchorage to be trained in the military. A high school was constructed in 1978, bringing even more change to this area.

The population of Mekoryuk City is made up of 179 people, a percentage that is slightly higher than the state's overall demographics. Among those who identify as American Indian, 58.8% are male and 49.2% are female. There are also 10.9% of residents who are 65 years old or older. The population is mostly educated and highly educated. Eighty-three percent have a high school degree. The population is comprised of ten percent Whites and seven percent of two-and-a-half races.

The United States Census Bureau provides the following information about Mekoryuk city. According to the American Community Survey, the population will be 262 in 2020. This is significantly less than the population of the other towns in the area. The nearest city is Hooper Bay, which has a population of 875, 3.3 times larger. However, the growth is still quite low in Mekoryuk, so the population density will likely increase in the future.