Nightmute, Alaska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you're looking up the population and steets of Nightmute City, Alaska, you need to first understand the local town and its surroundings. While there are numerous large cities within 651 miles of Nightmute, AK, you need to know which small towns are nearby. That way, you can plan your trip and be sure to explore the town and its surroundings. You may be surprised by what you find!

The population of Nightmute is estimated to be 316 people, and the median home value is $159,900. The average commute time is 0.0 minutes, and 15.6% of residents live below the poverty line. However, despite the low income level, the majority of residents live above the poverty line, which is important for the local economy. Nightmute also has a high labor force participation rate, with 56.5% of the population employed.

The unemployment rate in Nightmute is 17.1%, as reported by the U.S. Census. The median income for a household in Nightmute is $48,438, which is higher than the national average of $54,967. There are also 58 people living in the city, and the median household income is $48,438. The most common mode of transportation for residents of Nightmute is walking, followed by public transportation and some unspecified means.