Nulato, Alaska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Nulato is located in Yukon Koyukuk, Alaska, United States. The city is located on the west bank of the Yukon River. It is located about 35 miles west of Galena and 310 air miles from Fairbanks. Nulato has a population of 35,000 people. According to the USPS, the population of Nulato is in the 50th percentile of Alaska's most populous cities. The median age is 23 years. Male to female ratio is 97.6 to 100. It has a population of 264 people.

The population of Nulato is composed of both white and non-white residents. Aside from the White population, there are 2 Two+ residents and one American Indian. In Nulato, Alaska, 0% of the population is hispanic. The following chart displays the racial makeup of the city. The numbers of residents categorized into race are:

The town of Nulato was decimated by smallpox, but soon after that, Malakov established a trading post and started trading effectively with the local Indians. By 1842, Malakov had become the leading trader in Nulato and was able to develop an excellent trading network with other native tribes in the area. These trade relations helped the city's economy to flourish, but it was not without its challenges.

Nulato, AK's median annual income is $42,321, which is less than the US average of $65,712 per person. The city's population is made up of both men and women, and the percentage of female workers is significantly lower than the male population. These differences are evident in the average salary of men and women in the five most common occupations in Nulato.