If you are looking to relocate to Sterling City, there are a number of important things that you must know before making the big move. In this article, you'll learn about Sterling's population and steets. Once you know these details, it will be easier for you to decide whether Sterling is the right place for you. After all, if you want to move to Sterling, you'll need to find affordable housing first.
The population of Sterling City, TX is approximately 1.15k people. 96.1% of people living there are U.S. citizens. Its median property value is $47,900. Its homeownership rate is 86.9%, and the median income is $65,594.
The median age of all residents in Sterling City, TX was 37.4 years in 2019. Most of these residents were either married or unmarried. The most common occupation group was sales and related occupations. A small number of individuals lived alone. El Salvador had the highest number of foreign-born residents in Sterling City. Overall, there are about 2,210 people living in Sterling City. In terms of the population, the city has a lower density of poor households than most cities in the state.