Thorne Bay, Alaska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Thorne Bay is about 461 people. The average commute time is about 16.0 minutes. The median home price is $285,300. The average home appreciation in the city over the last 10 years has been -2.9%. The median home price in Thorne Bay is based on the most recent U.S. Census Bureau data. For more information about this city, please see our Thorne Bay, AK profile.

The demographic analysis of Thorne Bay reveals large generational groups. This information is useful in conducting employment research. The town has the smallest proportion of 20-29-year-olds, which only make up 4.3% of the total population. However, the highest proportion is for those aged 40-49-years and older. Thorne Bay, Alaska ranks number two in the state for this age group.

The majority of residents in Thorne Bay are White. There is a small Native American and Hispanic population. There are also very few Asians and Native Americans in this town. The population of Thorne Bay is mostly white and contains a small minority of Native Americans. The median household income in Thorne Bay is $26,543.

The violent crime rate in Thorne Bay is 3.62 crimes per thousand residents during a standard year. The north is the safest part of the city, with violent crimes ranging from one in 137 in the southwest to one in 316 in the north. The table below compares violent crime rates in neighboring cities and shows how the rate of crimes per 1,000 residents in Thorne Bay City is compared to other cities.