Yakutat, Alaska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The median age in Yakutat City and Borough, AK is 36.3. This figure includes both native-born residents and foreign-born citizens. In 2020, the median age of people living in Yakutat City and Borough, AK will be around 37 years. As for the number of people living in poverty, the percentage is approximately 0.00% for full-time workers and 9.85% for part-time workers. However, the percentage is much higher for those unemployed.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, as of 2005, the population of the city is approximately 27,000 people. The number of households in need of specialized housing decreased between 1991 and 2005. Alaska Native and rural residents accounted for a greater proportion of those households in need of specialized housing. The 2005 Alaska Housing Assessment Study estimates that an additional 25,771 housing units are needed to meet current needs. Nearly 20,000 of these units are in need of repair or replacement.

The NANA region includes southwest Alaska and the Aleutian Islands. The Aleutian region comprises the Alaska Peninsula and the Pribilof and Shumagin Islands. The area's economy is primarily dependent on subsistence agriculture, subsistence fishing, and some government jobs. The region's housing authority is the Northwest Inupiat Housing Authority. The region has an estimated 43,009 households.

Households in Sealaska have smaller than average square footage. Twenty-seven percent of households are below the state's average of six hundred and forty square feet. The number of people per household is lower than the state average. On average, people live in larger homes with more square footage. The number of homes without running water is also lower than the state average.