The following information will help you better understand the population and steets of Benson City, NE. The median age of the population was 32.8 years. Of those, 14.6% were under the age of 18 years. Twenty-four percent of the population were between the ages of 25 and 44. Twenty-one percent were between the ages of 45 and 64, and eight percent were over 65 years old. The city's median age was thirty years. The gender makeup was fifty-four percent male, forty-five percent female, and nine percent non-families.
The locals call this festival "the Feast" and it's held on 18th Avenue from Bay Ridge Parkway to 66th Street. It's a celebration in honor of the Italian patron saint of Palermo, sometimes referred to as the patron saint of Sicily. The festival draws tens of thousands to the community. Also, Bensonhurst hosts a Columbus Day parade.
The Kiona Bridge over the Yakima River is a landmark in the city. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2002. The city has a total area of 1.8 square miles, or 4.5 km2. Of this, 1.7 square miles is land, while 0.57% is water. The climate of the city is mostly temperate, with warm summers and cool winters.
The Italian-American population is particularly large in Benson City, with over 20,000 people in the 2000 census. However, the Italian-speaking population is aging and fading away. Cristoforo Colombo Boulevard, a street between Shore Parkway and 60th Street, is lined with small Italian-family owned businesses. 86th Street is under the elevated BMT West End Line. It is an ethnically diverse neighborhood, but it is primarily Italian.