The current population and steets of Cibecue City are shown below. Click on the map to view larger versions of the information. You may use the buttons to move the map around or zoom in. You agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy when using our site. We respect your privacy. We do not sell or trade your personal information. In addition to the current population and steets of Cibecue City, we do not offer real estate.
Cibecue is located in Navajo County, Arizona. The population of Cibecue is approximately 1,713 as of the 2010 census. This town has a total area of 6.0 square miles (16 km2).
The median age of all citizens in Cibecue is 18 years. This number includes both native and foreign-born residents. As of 2019, the median household income was $15,417. The most common racial and ethnic groups living below the poverty line are Native American, Asian, and Two Or More. The median household income in Cibecue is $18,813 and is lower than the national average. The median income for a family of four is $18,080, which is based on the family's size.