Before we begin examining the population and steets in Concho City, we must first look at the crime rate. This crime map is helpful in determining the amount of crime committed per 1000 people, as well as the number of crimes committed in a block. Because there are few retail establishments in Concho, most crimes occur in areas with few people. Consequently, red areas on the crime rate map do not necessarily mean that a Concho resident is in danger.
The median property value in Concho, AZ is N/A, and it increased by N/A from N/A to N/A. Homeownership rate is 64.1%, which is about average for the US. Concho residents rely on wells for drinking water. There are two notable towns in Concho. Eden is located on the Colorado River and Paint Rock is about thirty minutes from the city center. Both towns offer excellent recreational opportunities.
The population of Concho, AZ is predominantly military. It has a significant percentage of residents who served in the Gulf War (2001-). The median income for males in Concho, AZ is higher than for females, at $53,497. This income inequality translates to 0.465. The economy of Concho, AZ employs 0 people. This number represents an improvement from the previous year.
The Concho community was founded by a New Mexican sheepherder in the mid-eighteenth century. It was later joined by a few Mormon settlers. Concho Creek was named for shells that were found along its banks. The town was once the financial and population center of the northeast quarter of Arizona. Today, the population of Concho City is less than ten percent of the total population of the county.