What are the population and settets of Cornville City, Georgia? The town's demographics indicate that the people here are friendly and live in neighborhoods where neighbors get along well. The town's housing stock is made up of 89% owner-occupied homes and the average household size is 2.4 people. However, quality of life is highly subjective, and some buyers prefer to live in a walkable city while others prefer the peace and quiet of open space and nature.
The incomes of Cornville residents are fairly average compared to other cities in Arizona. Men earn an average of $67,848, while women earn $45,748. While the income gap is significantly lower than the national average, Cornville residents still struggle to pay their monthly rents. This is because the average cost of living in Cornville is higher than the national average. As a result, the average rent in Cornville, AZ is higher than the national average.
While the overall median income in Cornville City is $61,479, the median household income is $70,087. The median house value in the city is $257,800. The median age in Cornville is 54.7 years old, with males in this city being slightly older than females. In Cornville, 42% of the population is single. The average household size in Cornville is 2.9 people, which is lower than the average in the United States.