If you are a visitor to Dennehotso City, you might be wondering about the Population & Steets in Dennyhotso. First of all, Dennehotso has a population of approximately 2000 people. This city was settled around 1920 in the area of a trading post. During the early days, Dennehotso was primarily a farming community. The Laguna Creek runs through the city and supplies irrigation water for the area.
The crime rate in Dennehotso City is low when compared to other cities in the country. The area is also home to many parks and recreational areas, which make it safer for residents. The crime rate may appear higher in these areas, but that is because there are fewer people living near these areas. Crime happens where people congregate. And while crime statistics may seem bleak, Dennehotso is actually not as dangerous as many of its neighbors.
If you want to advertise your business in Dennehotso, Arizona, you'll need to consider the economic aspects of the city. The median housing value in the city is $53,750. The average household size is 3.93. The median household income is $21,071, and the city has one registered sex offender. The number of sex offenders in Dennehotso is low, and the ratio of sex offenders to residents is close to the state average. This area is home to a number of white, black, and Hispanic individuals. High school graduation rate is 57%, and 64% of residents have dropped out of college.