Are you interested in the Population & Steets of Ehrenberg City, Arizona? Did you know that Ehrenberg is only half the size of Arizona? If so, you may be surprised to know that the city is home to a population of Central Americans. This means that the Ehrenberg CDP has the highest percentage of Central American born people. It's also home to a relatively young population.
The town of Ehrenberg is located in La Paz County, Arizona. As of 2010, its estimated population was 1,470. The Ehrenberg CDP has a population of 64%, which is mid-range compared to other places in the metropolitan area. The highest percent of single people is found in Blythe, where the number is 72%. Ehrenberg has a population about the same as the state average of 50 percent, though.
The Ehrenberg City property crime map shows how many crimes occur in Ehrenberg for every 1,000 residents. Property crime is generally considered a non-violent crime. The Ehrenberg crime map shows the types and severity of crimes, along with where most crime occurs. The city of Ehrenberg has a C-grade, which means that the overall crime rate is similar to the national average. The city of Ehrenberg is located in the 45th percentile of safe cities.
The Ehrenberg population growth rate is low compared to other cities in the area. The growth rate of Ehrenberg is less than that of Ajo or Boulevard, which are both rapidly expanding. As a result, the population is stable in Ehrenberg. If you have questions or concerns about the Ehrenberg City population, don't hesitate to contact the local government office. You can find out more about the Ehrenberg City population at the Census Bureau website.