Hackberry, Arizona Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the population & steets in Hackberry City, you have come to the right place! Here you will find the most relevant information about this area. It is a regional center that lies in Northeast Texas. The most comfortable months to live in Hackberry are April and May. The least comfortable month is July. There are approximately 1,094 residents in Hackberry. As of the last census, the population has grown by 436.7%.

The median age in Hackberry is 34 years, 3.9 years younger than the median age in the United States. The country's median age is 37.9 years, so Hackberry's population is a bit younger than the nation's. The city has a population that is over 65, but this percentage is low compared to national numbers. This means that living in Hackberry is not nearly as difficult as it may seem.

The average commute time to Hackberry is 37 minutes, which is considerably longer than the average in Texas. Only 16% of residents use public transportation to get to work. The remainder commute by foot. The median household income in Hackberry, TX is $108,700. You can learn more about the people and their lives in Hackberry by browsing the following statistics. In addition to the average age, you can also learn more about their educational background. Most residents of Hackberry City have a high school education. A college degree is also the norm. Those with a master's or higher degree may also have a higher income, which is also higher than the national average.