When you're looking for information about Lake Havasu City, Arizona, you can find that there are about 140 different places to eat. There are American and Asian restaurants, bakeries, and coffee/juice bars to choose from. There are also delis and carry-out options. There's something for everyone, no matter what you're craving. Whether you're looking for a romantic night out or an adventurous day trip, there's a Lake Havasu City restaurant for you.
Lake Havasu City's median household income is $36,493. Males earn $31,576 per year, while females earn $26,029 per year. The city has a median age of 42 years, and only one-in-eight residents are under age six. Overall, this city has a moderate rate of poverty, with just under nine percent of residents living below the poverty line.
The population of Lake Havasu City is 57,246. This number makes it one of the largest cities in Arizona. The population density is 1,235 per square mile. The median age is 51.9 years old, which is higher than the US median of 37. The average household size is 2.3 people, which is significantly lower than the national average of 2.6. There are more than a few options for people looking to relocate to Lake Havasu City.
While the city of Lake Havasu City, AZ ranks a C1 Census Class Code, it does not serve as a county subdivision equivalent. Its Functional Status Code is "A." The city is located in the Lake Havasu City Division of Mohave County. The city has an eighteen-minute commute to work, and seven-fifths of residents live alone. The median car ownership rate in Lake Havasu City is about average nationally. The median car ownership in Lake Havasu City is two per household.