Lake Montezuma, Arizona Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for the population and steets in Lake Montezuma City? If so, you have come to the right place! Read on to find out more. Here are some of the most interesting facts about Lake Montezuma City. Once you've read them, you'll have an idea of how this town's history was formed. You'll also learn about how the area got its name.

First of all, there are many reasons to find out the population of a city. For example, the CDP has a wide age distribution. Twenty-nine percent of the population is under the age of 18, while 6.4% is 18-24. The average age is 45. There is also a male to female ratio of 92.7:100, which is good. And don't forget to check out the schools in the area. You can also find out the median earnings and other information.

Crime rates in Lake Montezuma vary by neighborhood. A typical area in the north of Lake Montezuma has higher rates of violent crime than the south, and vice versa. This city's crime rate is 3.34 crimes per 1,000 residents. However, the southwest of Lake Montezuma is safer. While the northwest of the city has higher crime rates than the south, the southwest of the city has lower rates.

The population and steets in Lake Montezuma City are important to find out if you're moving to the area or just visiting for the first time. While Lake Montezuma may be small in size, it is rich in history and culture. Its downtown has a distinctly Midwest and old west feel, with many Victorian-era homes that are well-maintained thanks to preservation incentives. There are 700 structures on the National Register of Historic Places.