The Marana City, Arizona, population is around 34961. The city is located in south central Arizona, about 60 miles north of the Mexican border. The average temperature is around 60 degrees, and there are roughly four hundred and twenty-seven people per square mile. The warmest months in Marana are April, November, and October. The hottest months are July and August. If you're considering moving to Marana, Arizona, here's some information on the city:
The Marana City population is fairly evenly divided. Twenty-seven percent of the population is under the age of eighteen. Twenty-five percent of households are married, but there are also some single-person households. One in four households is not a family. The remainder is made up of individuals. Marana City has a low-income rate, so it's crucial to look into your finances.
The Marana City population is expected to hit fifty thousand this year. The town incorporated in 1977 and now spans 127 square miles. The growing population presents special challenges to the town. Infrastructure is an issue, as the town has to provide quality roads, policing, drainage, and water service. Aside from infrastructure, there are other issues, such as safety and smog.
The general plan for the town of Marana Arizona calls for the development of master-planned communities. The town's current general plan doesn't include the Tortolita Preserve, which is located on state land and is currently under a 99-year lease, which expires in 2099. This meant the town could not call the land a preserve, and instead call it a special planning area.