The New River city's population is comprised of both white and Hispanic people. Hispanics are of any race and make up approximately 8.9% of the population. The total number of Hispanics in the city is 153, which means that there are many different races living in New River. The Hispanic population of the city is very diverse. The largest group living below the poverty line in New River, AZ is White, followed by Hispanics, and finally Blacks.
The median property value in New River, AZ is $376,700, which is more than twice as much as the national average of $240,500. This is also a higher homeownership rate than the national average of 64.1%. The median commute time is 31.1 minutes, and the average person drives alone to work. The median age of New River is 52.4 years old, with a female population slightly younger than the male population.
The median household income in New River, AZ is $49,297. The highest paying industry in New River is Public Administration, followed by Health Care & Social Assistance. Over 300 people work in this industry, and it's expected that the population will increase by 9% by 2023. With its growing population and high-quality of life, it's important to consider what you'd like for this community. If you're interested in learning more about the area, we recommend starting with a census.