The population of Nogales City, Arizona, is roughly 20,000 residents. The majority of residents are families with children, ranging in age from five to fourteen. Young professionals make up a smaller percentage of the population, with an average age of 36. Despite this, Nogales residents are fairly evenly divided between those who own their own homes and those who rent. As a result, Nogales residents pay an average of $5700 less per month for rent than the state's average.
The city is a gateway to Sonora, a state in northern Arizona. It is the county seat of Santa Cruz County and is connected to other cities and towns via Interstate 19. Nogales has a thriving economy, with its mercantile industry generating around 60 percent of the city's sales tax. It also boasts the largest cluster of maquiladoras in the state, which benefits from its good transportation networks and favorable wage costs.
The average commute time is twenty minutes, which is faster than the state's average. Nogales also has a higher than average poverty rate, with almost 34% of residents living below the state's median income. The median home value in Nogales is $152,300. A little more than a third of residents earn more than their local poverty line, according to the 2010 census. A little less than a third of residents earn below the federal poverty level.