Rimrock City, Oregon, has been steadily growing over the last decade, but the rapid growth has not deterred residents from seeking out more affordable land in the city. If you're thinking of moving to Rimrock, this city's population and steets numbers should give you some insight into the future of the city. After all, if it is a good place to live, it will attract more people who want to enjoy the peaceful rural lifestyle and its natural beauty.
Rimrock City was originally owned by Carle Hardeman and grew up around a water reservoir. The town's population was only three hundred and fifty people in 2010, but the population has risen significantly since then. The city is home to trick ropers and farriers, including Brice Chapman. He has remodeled his mother's house into a blacksmith shop, and his father shod horses in the town's heyday. The town now has a miniature golf course on its land, though remnants of the old city still stand.
If you're a first-time buyer, you may want to consider relocating to the city's neighborhoods. The quality of life in each neighborhood is subjective, and some buyers enjoy living in a walkable city while others prefer quiet, tranquil streets and close proximity to nature. Whatever your personal preference, it is important to know what amenities are available in your neighborhood, and to make sure you'll be comfortable with them.