The following information will provide you with a general overview of the Population & Steets in Rockpoint City, MD. Although this is a relatively small city, it still holds considerable economic and demographic importance. For example, the average household in Rock Point, MD pays taxes in the $800 to $1499 range. To get an idea of the income of the people in Rock Point, MD, you can view the following data.
In terms of foreign-born residents, Rock Point CDP has the highest percentage. The percentage of foreign-born residents in Rock Point CDP is 4.2%, which makes it the city with the highest percentage of foreign-born population. Compared to other cities, Rock Point is ranked #1 when it comes to the proportion of single women between 18 and 34. Moreover, it is home to the highest number of single men.
The population of Rock Point is approximately 1,239 residents. This city is located in Arizona. There are a number of neighborhoods within the city, including the Rock Point CDP. These neighborhoods have different racial, ethnic, and religious makeups. The majority of Rock Point residents are married couples, but there are also many households headed by single men. The average family size is 2.86, making Rock Point a safe place to live for many.
The median age of residents was 31 years. Twenty-five percent of residents were under the age of 18. One percent of households had a female householder without a male householder present. Forty-three percent of households were non-families. Twenty-six percent of households were made up of individuals. Eight percent of households had senior citizens living alone. The gender makeup of Rock Point City was 51.9% male and 48.3% female.