The most recent census data from the U.S. Census Bureau show that San Simon, AZ has a population of 59,182. The city is accessible by car from the North Luzon Expressway. San Simon is located approximately 25 miles from Bowie. The median household income in San Simon is $41,862.
The median property value in San Simon, AZ was N/A in N/A and increased by N/A. The homeownership rate in San Simon was 67.5% in 2019, higher than the national average. Residents of San Simon have an average commute time of 47.6 minutes to work. Many people drive alone. There are three cars per household. The median age of residents of San Simon, AZ is 40.9 years old.
The highest-paying occupations in San Simon, AZ are in the Natural Resources, Construction, and Maintenance industry. San Simon's population grew by 16% between 2000 and 2014. It was part of Pima County until February 1881. However, the city had a population of 165 in the 2010 census. Those employed in these sectors have higher salaries than the rest of the population.
The median household income in San Simon City was $37,250. This was higher than the national average and compared to nearby ZIP codes. The median age of residents in the ZIP code was 39.7 years old. There were also a number of households without children. The number of vacancies was extremely large. And the median household size was 2.46. If we were to compare San Simon City with other cities in California, this area would be one of the richest in the country.