If you are looking for the latest statistics about the population and steets of Topawa City, Arizona, you have come to the right place. This article will give you the information you are looking for. To get started, check out the list below of demographics in Topawa City. With this data, you can determine how many people live in the city and how many work in Topawa. In addition, you can also compare the number of people living in Topawa City to other neighborhoods in the United States.
The population of Topawa City, AZ is largely Native American, with approximately 93.8% identifying themselves as such. It also contains a substantial amount of people with Mexican and Arab roots. If you're planning to visit Topawa, you may want to check out other nearby towns and cities. You'll be happy you did. Just don't forget to use the map when visiting the city!
The population of Topawa City was characterized by a high proportion of street children. About a quarter of the residents of Topawa City were under the age of 18, while another four percent were between the ages of 18 and 24. The majority of households were made up of married couples, with only 12.8% of females living alone. The remaining 25.5% of households were comprised of individuals and non-families. The median age of the residents was 36.