Tortilla Flat, Arizona Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for information on the population and steets of Tortilla Flat City, Arizona, you've come to the right place. Below, you'll find information about the town's demographics. This data is useful when planning a trip to Tortilla Flat and the surrounding area. You can even see the distances between cities. By providing a radius from Tortilla Flat, you'll be able to see which cities are nearer to your destination.

You may be wondering where to stay in Tortilla Flat City. Well, it's a small town with a population of just six people, so you probably won't find any hotels or motels here. If you are going to stay overnight, your best bet is to make a reservation in Apache Junction, which is about 30 minutes away. Another option is to camp in the Canyon Lake Marina Campground, which is down the road, but the nightly rates are high.

For those looking for some historical history, you might want to visit the nearby town of Tortilla Flat. The town was home to a school in the early 1900s, but no longer houses classes. A replica of the old schoolhouse sits on the town's grounds, now used as a museum. Despite the small population, Tortilla Flat has plenty to offer.