Are you looking for population and steets statistics for Vail City, Colorado? If so, you have come to the right place. Here are some key statistics on the city's population and its history. Once you know these numbers, you will be more informed when making your move. In addition, you can get to know Vail's top restaurants and other areas in the town. For more information, please visit the official website of the city.
The city's population is spread over a relatively small area. Its population is about 10,208 at the 2010 census, compared to 2484 in 2000. The city is known for its proximity to Colossal Cave, and for being one of the top tourism spots in the state. The city covers a total area of 18.2 square miles (47 km2).
In 2017, the population of Vail was 5,489. In the year prior to this, the population grew by 3.5%. The commute time was 22 minutes, while the National Average was 26.4 minutes. The median home price was $1,144,800, with a 14.1% appreciation over the past decade. For a closer look, check out the population and steets of Vail, CO.
The median property value of a home in Vail City was $773,700, and the homeownership rate was 71.4%. A majority of the population commuted alone to work, and most commuted for 15 minutes. Approximately two cars per household were owned by residents. Vail's population of 5.48k is considered middle-income. If you are looking to move to the area, consider investing in a real estate in Vail.