If you want to get a feel for the surrounding area, you can find a list of towns near Wellton, AZ. This will help you plan your trip, visit the local attractions, and get to know the people in this area. If you're looking to see more of the state, you can look up cities within 100 miles of Wellton.
Wellton City has a population of about 3000. Most residents commute to work by car. The average household size is 2.4 members. Public transportation is not widely available in this town, and residents rarely walk to work. The average commute time is 27 minutes. However, many commuters who work outside the area use buses and taxis to get to work. In addition to cars, there are a few people who travel on foot.
In terms of education, Wellton's residents are generally more educated than the rest of the state. About 8% of residents in Wellton hold bachelor's degrees or higher. Another 3% have master's or doctoral degrees. Around five percent of the population works in agriculture. The median annual income for workers in Wellton is about $50,000, which is $19,000 less than in other parts of the state.
The average number of rooms in a house is below the state average. The number of college students, airmen, and pilots is also below the state average.