Ashdown is located in Little River County, Arkansas. Ashdown has a few things to offer visitors including specialty stores, the Two Rivers museum gallery, and an Ashdown city park. If you are interested in visiting Ashdown, there are several attractions in the area, including the nearby Millwood Lake and Millwood State Park. For outdoor activities, there are several places to camp and fish, as well as many restaurants and hotels.
The population of Ashdown City is a bit lower than the surrounding area, with a median family size of 3.2. Compared to other areas, however, Ashdown has a lower percentage of single-person households and higher proportions of married couples. For example, the population of Ashdown is 61% female, compared to 62 percent for the neighboring community of Ben Lomond. As a result of the lower-than-average income, residents of Ashdown are often in need of work.
The average age of people in Ashdown is 38. The city is home to approximately 4,000 residents. The city has a Hispanic population of 0.4%. Its population is 0.113% larger than the state's average, making it less diverse than some other cities. Ashdown is a safe and affordable place to raise a family. In addition, the school system is excellent. Ashdown has a thriving business community, so the local economy is doing well.
After World War II, Ashdown's economy diversified. The city's location near two rivers attracted manufacturing companies, including a Coca-Cola bottling plant. After the United States Army Corps of Engineers dammed the Little River and Saline River in 1966, Millwood Lake was developed for recreation. Nekoosa Paper Company and Domtar Paper Company eventually purchased a Domtar paper mill. Little River Memorial Hospital is another attraction in Ashdown.