Beedeville, Arkansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for information on the Population & Steets of Beedeville City, AR, then you have come to the right place. Here you can find a list of towns near Beedeville, AR, and use them to plan a road trip or get to know the local community better. You can also use this list to find cities within 100 miles of Beedeville, AR.

The highest paying jobs in Beedeville, AR are Service Occupations and Total ($2,499). In fact, Beedeville's overall rate of crime is lower than the national average, placing it in the 71st percentile. In terms of employment, the city ranks in the 71st percentile, with 29% of residents living in poverty and 71% living in extreme poverty. The area with the highest percentage of poverty is the north part of Beedeville, AR, which is also the city with the lowest animal cruelty incidents.

The population of Beedeville, AR is less than 2,500 people. It is located outside of the metro area, in the Central Time Zone. Beedeville's average internet speed is 70 Mbps. Beedeville is home to a town hall with a telephone number and an address. Its town hall is located at Beedeville Town Hall, and provides customer service. And, you can find information about the town's government by visiting the Beedeville City website.