Blevins, Arkansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Crime in Blevins is similar to other nearby Arkansas cities. While the city has a higher rate of crime than the state average and other cities of the same size, it is safer than many other Arkansas cities. Overall, Blevins is safe compared to other cities in Arkansas. The national average is lower than Blevins' crime rate. However, you should be aware of any risks when living in Blevins.

The population of Blevins City is 299 people. The median income is $34,875 per household. The average commute time is 20.0 minutes. There are two churches in the city. The median home price is $53,100. The home appreciation rate over the last ten years is 1.2%. In addition to the local economy, the city has a low crime rate and a low unemployment rate.

Another way to compare the population of Blevins with other cities is to compare the rent burden. Rent burden is a way to estimate whether a city's housing is affordable. While Blevins' rent burden is higher than 29.5% of the state's average, neighboring cities have higher rates. New Boston and Malvern both have higher rent burdens than Blevins. Nearby cities include East Camden and Chidester.