If you're thinking of starting a business in Colt City, Arkansas, you need to find out more about the local population. The city is home to a population of 331 people, and it has an average commute time of 19.7 minutes. The median home price is $45,800, and the home appreciation rate over the past 10 years is 1.1%. The median age is 40. The median household income is $36,307, and the average household income is $43,961.
The area around Colt City was settled around 1850. There were several churches, hotels, and pool halls, as well as a toy factory and axe handle factory. Several stores were also located in the town, and the town had a blacksmith. The town had two cotton gins, and there were two sawmills. The Stone family was one of the first residents of the town, and they became well-known in business and politics.
In 1950, the city had a population of 406 people. Of this, 28% of the population was under 18 years old, and 54% was over the age of 44. The city had a median age of 38 years. The median household size was 2.26 people. There were 268 single households. The city has a Methodist denomination and a Baptist congregation. A Christian school is located at Colt High School.