What is the Population & Steets in Cornington City? Corning, NY is located in New York. The city has a population of 10,376 residents. The majority of residents are White, with 234 Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) residents and 187 Asian residents. However, 2.27% of Corning's population is hispanic. However, this percentage is not statistically significant.
The Corning area was first known for its lumber industry. Early settlers plied the rivers to transport lumber. But as the forests dwindled, lumber rafting declined and great mills were moved north. The Industrial Revolution brought the city a new life and an industry boom. The Painted Post Railroad opened near Corning City, and Ingersoll Rand followed. Eventually, Corning became a thriving industrial town, attracting major corporations and entrepreneurs to its shores.
Located in Steuben County, Corning is a city in Upstate New York. It is the 80th-largest city in the state and the 3033rd largest in the United States. The population of Corning is growing, with a projected 2020 population of 10,331 people. The city is also home to the headquarters of the Fortune 500 company Corning Incorporated. Corning has a population density of 3,350 per square mile.
The median property value in Corning, NY is $112,800, which is 0.469 times lower than the national average. The median property value is $112,800, and the homeownership rate is 54.9%, lower than the national average of 64.1%. The median age in Corning is 35.9%, and the median household income is $49,900. The average commute time is 15.3 minutes, and the median household has two cars.