Crumrod, Arkansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking to learn more about the population and steets of Crumrod City, you may be interested in a map. Using this map, you can learn how many residents of each race live in the area. The map below shows how much diversity there is in Crumrod, and how many of those races live together. The map also shows the race of the median resident of Crumrod.

The population of Crumrod city is low, particularly near major parks and airports. This is because there are relatively few people living near these recreational areas. Therefore, crime rates in these areas may appear higher, but in reality, crime occurs anywhere people congregate. If you plan to live in Crumrod City, you should take into account how much crime there is in different parts of the city.

There are 13 people living in the ZIP code 72328. This number includes 76 households. By understanding the demographics of your target market, you will be able to purchase effective billboard advertisements. The average household size is 3.49 people, and the median home value is $32,500. The city has an estimated growth rate of -6.8% by 2050, which is lower than the state average of 6%.

The overall shape of Crumrod City is shaped by the number of street segments. These streets are either local or collector roads. The latter are generally wider, and are mainly arterial. This enables pedestrians and vehicles to cross the city with ease. The street lengths are also influenced by the external landscape. In the narrowest parts of the city, street spacings are at a minimum of 3.5m.