Dennard, Arkansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Demographics - Are you looking for the Population & Steets of Dennard City? Do you want to get a feel for the neighborhood? This Dennard, AR, Population & Steets report will provide you with all the information you need. Take a look at the map below for details. If you would like to move to Dennard, AR, you can find the population and steeps of other cities close by.

Crime - While there are relatively few crimes per thousand residents in Dennard, the crime rate is significantly higher in areas near recreational areas. The crime rate may look higher in areas with few residents, but this is simply because crime is more likely to happen where people are. In Dennard, there are fewer retail businesses than most cities, so there are fewer people to commit crimes in these areas. You can easily find crime maps online, which also include demographics of Dennard City.

The population of Dennard AR is composed of 327 people. Of those, 117 of them identify as White, while 16 are Hispanic and Latino. The remaining seven households identify as American Indians or Alaska Natives. With this population breakdown, you can see that the area has an equal number of men and women. Those who identify as White are most likely to be employed in this region.