This article explores the population and steets in Dumas City. This small town in the Arkansas Delta is a former cotton trade center. Once populated by cotton merchants, the town is now quiet and undeveloped. Dumas' population has steadily declined over the years, but you can still visit the historical district. Here are some interesting facts about Dumas, Arkansas. We hope you find this article helpful.
The median age of residents in Dumas, Texas was 30.6 years old in 2019. This includes both native and foreign-born citizens. In 2018, the median age of residents was 30.6 years old. Residents were most likely to be born in Mexico, India, and El Salvador. In addition, more than half of the population owned a home. This demographic information may help you determine who your local audience is. And if your local advertising strategy targets local families, consider demographic information and the average age of households in Dumas.
The Southwest Peninsula is particularly noteworthy due to its archaeological potential. In 1838, Peter Smith consolidated three Spanish grants in the area and subdivided them. Later, the Second Seminole War halted further development until after the Civil War. But it was not all bad news for Dumas residents. A former postmaster and first mayor, Gus Waterman's grandson eventually became dean of the University of Arkansas School of Law. In 1905, an African-American sawmill worker, Joe Woodman, was hanged in the town for eloping with a white girl.