If you're looking for the population and steets of El Paso, Texas, you've come to the right place. This article will give you a quick overview of this area. You can also learn about the history of El Paso pachucos by visiting the website of the National Park Service. If you want to get to know the city better, check out the city's historical photos.
El Paso has a population of approximately 537,285. The county's median family income is $78,478. The city has a mixed population with a low percentage of Latinos and Asians. The median household income is around $53,586, which is lower than the national average, but is still above the national average. The per capita income is just under $22,000, which is above the national average. There are some very wealthy people and some very poor ones in El Paso, so make sure to do your research before making a decision.
The economy is improving in El Paso. The city's unemployment rate has dropped from nine percent when Mayor Oscar Leeser took office in 2013, to 4.4 percent today. That's below the state average of 4.5 percent and the national average of 5 percent. That's great news for the city, and a good sign for the area's future. It's important to remember that this is still a growing city with a lot of potential.