Etowah, Arkansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Ettowah City, Alabama: The most common question people ask is: "What is the population of Etowah City?" Well, that's easy to answer - over 30,000. Etowah is a thriving city that was once a center of the textile industry. But as the economy went sour, the city's unemployment rate rose to 20%, and Main Street was lined with empty storefronts. This situation was not sustainable, and the local utility company took action to flush out corruption by charging full utility bills. Etowah's community refused to roll over and was a strong and progressive community in many ways.

The estimated number of households in Etowah is a bit smaller than the average for the rest of Tennessee, with only 49% of households being headed by a single person. Despite the relatively low number of households, Etowah still boasts a high proportion of married-couples. Its average family size is 3.3, while Calhoun's is 3.6. These differences are indicative of the area's low number of single-parent households, and a larger than average population.

Crime Rates in Etowah City are not entirely indicative of safety. It is not uncommon to find houses with crime rates as high as 1 in 25 in the west part of the city. However, crime rates in Etowah are lower in the southeast part of the city. There is an uneven distribution of crime rates, but the overall crime rate for the city is relatively low. The southwest Etowah neighborhood has a crime rate of 56 crimes a year, while the northeast section has fewer than nine.