The population of Fordyce City is approximately 4,300, according to the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Dallas County, and is home to the 1911 Dallas County Courthouse. The area was originally inhabited by the Caddo people. In fact, you can still see some artifacts from that time period scattered around the city. The percentage of people with a bachelor's degree is well below the state average.
In terms of the economic climate, Fordyce has an average of 2.13% unemployment. The median household income is $31,074, a little less than the national average. While this is an excellent number, a low poverty rate of 0.95% is a concern. There are still plenty of ways to improve the quality of life in Fordyce City. However, it is important to realize that this city is still quite small compared to its neighboring communities.
In terms of race and ethnicity, most of the people in Fordyce, AR live below the poverty line. These statistics were compiled by the Census Bureau. The poverty level in Fordyce is based on the total income of all members of the household. Despite this, the city is a relatively diverse place. A significant percentage of its population is Hispanic. This group includes both white and black residents.
The Fordyce Lumber Company, which opened in 1889, was the major employer in the area. The company employed almost a quarter of the city's working population by 1932. It was eventually acquired by Georgia-Pacific Corporation, which was later purchased by Koch Industries. Another important employer is Millcreek of Arkansas, a group of residential services for the mentally challenged and psychiatric patients.