Forrest City is a small city located in St. Francis County, Arkansas. It is the county seat and was named for General Nathan Bedford Forrest. He used the city as a construction camp shortly after the Civil War. Today, the city has a population of approximately 3,800. Here are some stats on Forrest City. Its population and steets are listed below.
Forrest City is located on Crowley's Ridge, a ridge that rises three miles above the surrounding Mississippi Delta. This ridge contains numerous non-native Arkansas tree species. Forrest City is a good place for those who want to live in a rural area, but want the convenience of a big city. The median property value is $65,100, lower than the national average of $110,000.
If you are traveling to Forrest City, you can explore the towns nearby. A list of smaller cities near Forrest City, AR will give you an idea of what's nearby. You can also explore a new community or travel a distance of 100 miles from Forrest City. Regardless of the reason, you'll find a variety of entertainment, restaurants, and hotels. If you haven't been there yet, you should check out the population and steets in nearby towns and cities.
The population of Forrest City is 14,999. The median household income is $31,322. The poverty rate is 2.2 percent. There is no official poverty level in Forrest City, AR, but some people do work in other locations to support their households. Using the Census data, we can look at the basic economic statistics of the city. The city has an overall jobless rate of 0.13%.