What are the Population & Steets in Foucke City? Fouke is a city in the state of Arkansas. The population density is measured in people per square mile. The population density in Fouke is higher than the state and national averages. In fact, Fouke is home to the second-highest proportion of Native and Asian people in the state. If you are wondering what the average income is in Fouke, consider the following:
While the population density in the center of Fouke is relatively low, there are some neighborhoods that are less safe than others. The southeast part of the city is considered to be the safest, while neighborhoods in the northwest are considered to be the most violent. However, it can be difficult to compare the violent crime rate between neighborhoods. Nonetheless, the violent crime map of Fouke will closely resemble the population density map of the state.
The percentage of households headed by married people in Fouke is the lowest in the area. Its percentage of never-married residents is the highest, ranking at 66.7%. The average household size is 4.2, and the number of children per household is the second-highest in Fouke. With a median income of $57,400, Fouke is a good place to raise a family.
Another community initiative in Fouke is Citizens for a Better Community. A group of local residents led by Anne Fowler, has spent more than $200,000 in improvement projects. They have planted flowers on the streets and front of businesses, and they have helped many disadvantaged children in the community. They have also purchased a historic home in Fouke, which they plan to turn into an event center and community library.