Gosnell, Arkansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A comprehensive demographic profile of Gosnell City will provide you with detailed information about its residents. This report includes data on the city's race and ethnicity. The map also shows the percentage of people in each racial or ethnic group. The darker the shade, the greater the percentage of that racial group. It also provides information on the diversity of the city, including data on the age distribution of residents.

The City of Gosnell, Arkansas (AR 72315) is classified as a "C1" census-class community. While it is not the county subdivision equivalent, it does have a "A" functional status. Gosnell is located in Mississippi County, Arkansas. Its alternate unofficial name is Gosnel. In addition to the census-defined population, the city hosts a Cotton Pickin' Festival and a Tractor Pull every fall since 1991.

There are other important factors to consider when evaluating your target audience. For example, do you want to promote a product or service that only caters to a certain demographic? Try to understand the lifestyle of your audience. You may also want to look at their income level. Gosnell residents earn between $32,573 and $44,751 per year. There are 63% of high school graduates and a median income of $32,573.

The city's age distribution varies greatly by age group. For instance, the majority of households have a car; the largest percentage own 2 cars. For the most part, the population of Gosnell, AR is covered by health insurance. Most households have an employee plan, while 22.7% have Medicaid or Medicare. Another 4% of Gosnell, AR residents have no coverage at all.