The Population & Steets of Locust Grove City are the following. Approximately 90.9 percent of the population is white. However, a small minority of people identify as black or African American. There are about 8.7% of residents who are Hispanic or Latino and 17.8% who are Asian. About 8.2% of the population in Locust Grove is classified as 'other'.
The city is located in north-central Georgia, near the southern tip of the Appalachian Mountains. It is mostly sunny, with temperatures between the low and mid-fifties. The most comfortable times to visit the city are during the months of May, April, and October. During the hot summer months, residents of Locust Grove enjoy ordering burgers from Shanes Rib Shack and Pizza Hu.
Crime rates in Locust Grove are relatively low compared to other cities. Locust Grove is home to more than 100 crime victims. The city's crime rate is 11 crimes per 1,000 residents. Central Locust Grove is known for its high percentage of retail establishments. Sadly, many of these places are also known for crime. Nonetheless, the crime rate in Locust Grove does not necessarily indicate that there's a high risk for Locust Grove residents.
As with any city, the number of people living in poverty in Locust Grove is high. This statistic reflects the state of society in this city. A lower rate of poverty means a more stable and prosperous city. Nevertheless, the population of Locust Grove is considered to be at a low risk of flooding in the coming years. The low risk of flooding in Locust Grove is low, but its effects on day-to-day life can be severe.