Lowell's population and steets can be found using the following statistics. The data is based on the last census, and is updated annually to ensure it is as accurate as possible. The most up-to-date data can be found by using census block data. These numbers can be compared to those from the state of Massachusetts to determine whether they are comparable to the population in Lowell City.
In 2010, there were over 6,000 people of recent African descent living in Lowell. This population is comprised of immigrants from several countries, including Liberia, Kenya, Togo, and Ghana. The ethnic makeup of the city is also diverse, with populations of various races and backgrounds occupying different parts of town. The city's ethnicity reflects this diversity, with 61 percent of residents identifying as white and 12.3% as black or Hispanic. The city has a relatively homogeneous population, though there are still some pockets of racism and intolerance.
The Highlands is the most densely populated area in Lowell. Located on the southwest side of the city, the neighborhood is often overlooked. However, recent growth has led to a new wave of young families discovering this charming area. Known as the smallest neighborhood in the city, Back Central features a unique blend of homes, shops, and major parks. It's also close to UMass Lowell's South Campus, which offers programs in the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Health.