The population of Osceola is approximately equal in percentage between white and African-American residents. In the 2010 census, however, black citizens outnumbered white citizens by a slight margin. The city is home to a high school, middle school, and three elementary schools, with an average enrollment of approximately 1,500 to 1,700 students. The city was once a hub of shipping activity, with steamboats regularly passing through. Today, it consists mostly of grain elevators and landing areas for barges loaded with corn and soybeans.
The population of Osceola City is 5,415, making it a politically-significant town in the state of Iowa. It was incorporated in 1866 and operates under the Home Rule provisions of the state constitution. Its government is comprised of a Mayor-Council form of government. Its residents enjoy a number of city services, including water and sewer services.
In the 2010 Census, there were 112 households with children. Fifty-two percent of households were headed by a married couple. Ten percent of households had a female householder without a husband present. Twenty-four percent of households were non-families. And, finally, thirty-seven percent of households were made up of individuals. Osceola City's median age is 41 years. The male-to-female ratio was 94.9 to one, with more men than women in the age group of 18+.
Osceola City is primarily home to white residents, though the area is home to a small minority of African Americans. The USPS calls this area OSCEOLA, Indiana. The city is part of the Osceola School District, and there are 27 different high schools and elementary schools. In general, it is a middle-class neighborhood compared to the surrounding areas.