The U.S. Census Bureau calculates population and steets estimates every 10 years. The Paragould city population is about a fourth the size of Cardwell. Both cities are small by United States standards, but the population in Cardwell is much larger than in Paragould. If you want to know the population of the Paragould City, you need to know how many people live in each of them.
According to the census bureau, the population of Paragould is 93.0% White. Its 2% Black population is also 0.9%. Two or more percent of its population is considered low income, but those below the threshold are considered impoverished. The most common racial groups in Paragould City are White, Black, and Two or More. The city is home to many immigrants and is just a fifth of the size of Arkansas.
The county seat of Greene County, Arkansas, is home to a population of 24,505. The city's name combines the last names of J.W. Paramore and Jay Gould, and is believed to be the only place in the world with this name. Its economy grew after World War II. In 1947, the city was home to the Ed White Shoe Factory, which made shoes for the Arkansas railroad. In 1955, the Electric Emerson Company opened.
A quick look at the city's demographics will show you how old the population is. The data will show whether the town is home to a significant number of retirees. This information will help you understand where to find jobs and make the most of your time. You can also find out which areas of town have large numbers of retirees, which will make your research much easier. You will also see the percentage of those under 20 years old and those between 60 and 69 years old.