Prairie Grove, Arkansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You can learn more about Prairie Grove by looking at the map below. The map shows the population breakdown by race, based on the self-identified racial majority. Areas that are more diverse are marked with a darker shade. Prairie Grove is well-rounded, ranking high in education, crime, cost of living, and diversity. If you are considering moving to the area, you should know that you can afford a home in Prairie Grove, based on the median values in the city.

The village was home to about 41,000 people in 2010, according to the 2010 census. There were 15,708 households with children under the age of eighteen. There were also 28.9% of households where the female householder did not live with her husband. Twenty-two percent of households were non-families, and 22.1% of households included only one person. The median age was 37 years old, with a male to female ratio of 93.6 to one. The average household size was 3.23 people.

Prairie Grove is a small town located in Little River County, Arkansas. It is home to the largest concentration of KKK Klaverns in the state. The area is home to a variety of state parks and natural areas. Prairie Grove Battlefield State Park is one of these places. A museum at the site preserves artifacts and interprets the history of the area. The Hindman Museum houses artifacts from the area and is located in Prairie Grove. Each December, the town hosts the largest Civil War battle reenactment in the state.