The following table provides the Population & Steets for Rosston City, Arkansas. As of 2019, there are 414 people living in Rosston, AR. The majority of the population is Black, with an additional 0.0% of Asian, Hispanic, Pacific Islander, American Indian, and Alaska Native residents. The remainder of the population is not categorized, and the city's population is not divided into multiple ethnic groups.
Although Rosston is a small city, it has plenty of nearby towns to explore. In addition to finding people and homes in Rosston, you can find out more about the area by looking up the population of the cities in the surrounding area. If you're thinking about moving to Rosston, AR, you'll want to look up the population and steets in the surrounding area. You can even use the data to find other cities within 100 miles of Rosston to see how much of a difference there is.
The most populous racial or ethnic group living below the poverty line in Rosston, AR is Black. The average household income is $50,000 or less, and 7 households earn more than $100,000. The chart below shows the income distribution by household size in Rosston, AR by race and ethnicity. The chart compares Rosston's income to that of the rest of Arkansas and the nation. The most common occupations in the city are education instruction & library, business & professional services, and health care / social assistance.