Sparkman, Arkansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will provide you with important details regarding the Population & Steets in Sparkmen City, Kansas. First, learn about the ethnic diversity of this community. Approximately 21.1% of the city's population is of Hispanic descent. This category includes people of any race. Afterwards, see how much each racial or ethnic group is concentrated in Sparkman. The table below provides a list of the most prominent racial and ethnic groups and their percentages in the city.

The population of Sparkman is 359. Compared to the U.S. population, this number is lower than in some other cities in the state. The median home price in Sparkman is $57,800. Over the past decade, home appreciation in this area has averaged 15.8%. There are several factors that determine a city's population demographics. The average income for residents is $27,900. The median household size is three people.

Regardless of the factors that influence population density, you should know how many people live in Sparkman City. These statistics are derived from the U.S. Census Bureau. You can access census block and raw head count data from this government agency. Alternatively, you can consult a website dedicated to census data to find out which city is 100 miles away from Sparkman. Once you know where to look, you can begin exploring the area.

The median household income in Sparkman, AR is $26,607, which is a relatively low number compared to the national average. In Sparkman, the poverty rate is 1.77%. You can view the poverty statistics by gender, race, and ethnicity. This information is helpful in determining if you should move to Sparkman. You might consider investing in real estate. The area is affordable and has many housing options.