Swifton, Arkansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How many people live in Swifton City? The following article will give you some general information about the population and steets of this area. It will help you understand how many people live in Swifton and how many of them are African American. You will also find out how many people are unemployed in Swifton. The population of Swifton is comprised of about 2,300 residents. The city has a low crime rate, but if you're worried about your safety, you should visit the police department.

The United States Census Bureau and the American Community Survey provide the latest data on the population of Swifton City. The population density is 2,457 per square mile, which is significantly higher than the state average. Compared to Alicia, which has a population density of 1,225, Swifton's is more than triple that. The median age of Swifton's population is 25.4 years old, making this area a safe place to live.

Population & Steets in Swifto n, Arkansas