Tillar, Arkansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are statistics and other data about the Population & Steets in Tiller City, Minnesota. The population of this city is very diverse and includes residents from many different racial and ethnic backgrounds. Some residents identify as white while others report being Black, Irish, German, European, or American. Listed below are important racial and ethnic data about the area, including diversity scores.

The most pleasant months of the year are October, April, and May, while July is the least comfortable month of the year. The city has a population of about 210 people, which has seen a 5.1% growth since 2020. Average commute times for people living in Tillar range from 21.7 minutes to over 30 minutes. The median home value in Tillar is approximately $47,200. You can find a variety of residential properties in the area, ranging from large homes to modest cottages.

Listed below are some cities in the area that are closest to Tillar. The cities closest to Tillar include: